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Music: Experience

Boost Your Work-From-Home Productivity with Music

If you find yourself frequently distracted while working from home, now is the perfect opportunity to try a musical experiment. Create a playlist tailored to your needs and increase your productivity by incorporating music into your work routine.

Einstein really said it

Albert Einstein was thoroughly convinced that working with music leads to increased productivity. While his endorsement may carry weight, you may require additional evidence to become convinced. Here are some additional facts:

  • Background music improves data entry quality for 92 per cent of people.
  • Pop music makes 58 per cent of people work faster. And ... they make 14 per cent fewer mistakes in the process.
  • Classical music improves accuracy by 12 per cent.
  • Dance encourages test readers to work 20 per cent faster.

Did you know that during WWII, the BBC broadcast customized music to uplift the morale of soldiers and workers in arms factories?


More productive through music ... by Mozart

It is recognized that music can influence our mood and enhance productivity, but this largely depends on the type of music being played. For instance, Mozart's music has been found to be particularly effective in boosting cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that mice that listened to Mozart prior to navigating a maze performed significantly better than their Beethoven-listening counterparts. However, it is important to note that not all classical music will have the same impact on cognitive function. Piano music, particularly that composed by Mozart, has been found to confer the most significant benefits. So, if you're looking to give your brain a boost, consider adding some Mozart to your playlist!

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The tips for your most productive playlist

New music can be distracting. So it's best to stick to (instrumental) tracks or classical songs that you already know and love. Because that music effectively makes you a lot more productive. In your selection, aim for an average of 60 bpm. It's important to avoid music that is too fast-paced, as it may overstimulate you, while slow songs can be too relaxing and weigh on your mind. Oh yes ... and choose instrumental music if you are learning new things or working with language (reading, writing or translating). This is because listening to music with lyrics engages the same parts of your brain that you need for your job, potentially reducing your productivity. By choosing instrumental music, you can reserve your brain's capacity for your work, helping you to be more productive and focused.


Tunify for home workers

 If you're not currently using Tunify in your business but still want to enjoy music while carrying out tasks such as administrative work, these tips can help you create a playlist that maximizes your productivity:

  • To increase your productivity while doing homework, it's important to choose music that aligns with your personal preferences. However, if you're selecting music for your business, you may want to consider your business concept or the preferences of your customers.
  • Thanks to Tunify Orange, you can quickly compile a list of your favourite tracks. Looking for tracks similar to your favourite music? Click on the three bullet points behind your favourites. Then click the music note at the bottom. And ... Tunify presents similar music. (see image below)
  • Use 'Hit Factory' in Tunify Blue to add your favourite hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or 00s to your list.
  • Put yourself in deep focus for a difficult task: click the gear wheel and find the instrumental music at 'Chill Out Zone' in Tunify Blue. Or choose 'Easy Classical', 'Easy Pop' or 'Easy Jazz'.

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