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Carnival for everyone

11/11 is a holiday for more than one reason. Not only do we celebrate the armistice of the First World…

11/11 is a holiday for more than one reason. Not only do we celebrate the armistice of the First World War and the catholic feast of Saint Martin, but for the real party animals it nowadays stands for the start of a new carnival season.

Although carnival is celebrated worldwide, it is mainly the local traditions that determine how it is celebrated. Here in the Low Countries, music is an important part of the carnival tradition. For those who are less familiar with the concept of carnival music, we list the most important characteristics of a good carnival hit:

* an easy sing-along melody (nowadays often a cover of a popular song)

* a rhythm with a rocking character

* a humorous text (usually on or over the edge of decency), often with a pointe at the end

* and all of this preferably sung in the local (for outsiders often unintelligible) dialect

In most carnival cities, true song festivals are organized to decide which association or artist has made the finest carnival cracker. Until the closing party on Vastenavond, the last day of the carnival season, music is the common thread through the carnival activities.

You rarely find new carnival music in iTunes, for that you have to visit the local associations. Tunify has been doing this for years, so you don’t have to. You can find a comprehensive range of carnival music in Tunify Blue at "Create mood" in the category Party Zone, where music is conveniently divided according to regions and dates, so you can play hours of carnival music from your region in just a few clicks. In the next weeks, we will be adding songs as soon as we get them!

Carnavalists, get those vocal cords in shape!

Are you ready for the new carnival season?

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