Home Blog Tunify: Insights Why a professional streaming service for music has more to offer your business than the app you use at home
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Why a professional streaming service for music has more to offer your business than the app you use at home

Music is being streamed en masse. Also in shops, restaurants, fitness centres, etc. But do you know why you should use a professional streaming service in your business?

Tunify - B2C vs B2B

In a few weeks’ time we are organising a webinar together with Prodytel about our cooperation with Bluesound Professional. In the webinar, you will discover all the advantages of a professional music solution for your business. In the runup to this webinar we’re going to take a deeper look in this blogpost at the specific advantages of music services for business use.


What do we mean, "professional" streaming service?

Is there a difference between music services you use at home or when moving around and music services you can use in your business? Most definitely, and this difference is bigger than you’d think.

The building stones of experience

Music in your business forms part of the marketing mix of your brand. So it’s very important that the music you play helps strengthen your brand and stimulates your target public.  Does your business have several locations? Then you want this brand experience to be the same everywhere. And don’t forget your staff in the balancing act. They are confronted every day - and all day - with your choice of music.  If the music collection is too limited, the result is too much repetition.  And that’s a disaster for the motivation of your staff.

Are you already breaking out in a sweat? No wonder, as without a good dose of musical knowledge and loads of time this is an almost impossible task.  But fortunately these business music services know how you need to approach this.  We take a look at how these services work below in point 3.

Tailored to the business user

But the processional nature of business music services goes further than music.  Also everything that happens around it is tailed to the business user. There’s often a choice between several kinds of subscriptions, so you can use exactly the features you need at each location (and don’t have to pay too much for features you don’t use). Some services even go so far that you can add your own order number to an invoice so that your accounting system can process it easily.  So you see, the wishes of the business user are fulfilled down to the last detail.

A legal solution

And now we’ll talk about the administrative part: do you know that not every music service can be used for business? The professional music services we’re talking about here all have an agreement with the music industry that allows them to supply music in commercial or public areas.  Services such as Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube don’t have this permission. This means you are legally in the wrong if you use these music services in your business (even if you have the necessary licences from Unisono or Buma and Sena).


User-friendly, for everyone

The companies that offer a business music service have a lot of clever heads in house that do the work for you.  And as a user you notice this right away.

Efficient and effective

Instead of having to search for albums or artists and arrange it all in playlists yourself, everything is already there ready for you in clear categories according to your business type, target group or desired atmosphere.  Just scroll and click a few times and you’ve got hours of high-quality varied music. This music has been carefully put together by music experts who know what works well in every business context.

Customisation is also an option. Music consultants are happy to put together an extensive music programme for you, fully tailored to your business.  Everything is prepared for you down to the last detail, you only have to press play.

Does this mean that as a music lover you’ll feel restricted? On the contrary. Business music services often have additional features so you can discover new music with clever filters or search functions.

Control of your music

The fact that all the difficult work is done for you doesn’t mean that you’ve got no control of the music yourself, on the contrary.

Central and local control

With a business music service you decide yourself to what extent you want to control the music locally or centrally. And a combination of both is also possible. You always know exactly what’s being played at each location and you can adjust the music yourself for each location if you want.  You also get a detailed report of the lists played, years, genres, atmosphere, etc.

The knowledge of experts and top technology

As you can see - the era of the traditional music supplier is over. Forget monthly updates with CDs or messing around with downloads yourself! Streaming is the way to go. And music streaming is only the top of the iceberg when you look at the science and technology that make all this possible.  With Tunify metadata, algorithms and artificial intelligence ensure that the knowledge and expertise of well-known musicians and music experts are bundled together in the music app on your phone (as yes, nowadays you’ve got your business music service in your pocket too).

Always varied and up-to-date

The music streams are tested, evaluated and continuously adjusted to create the optimum atmosphere.  There are automatic daily updates with new music without the user having to do anything.  The music is even automatically adjusted to the time of day, the season, current hits and the region in which you are using the music service.


Additional services like audio messages

A business music service often offers more than just music.  Audio messages are perhaps something you don’t really want to hear at home in your living room, but for business users the option to load and plan in your own audio spots is a very valuable extra.  And the same applies here too: if you don’t have the time yourself, the business music service is happy to take over this task from you.


So as you see there are lots of differences between a music service for consumers and a music service for business use. If you have a business yourself or if you’re responsible for experience management at a number of locations, you can’t go wrong with a professional music supplier.

Join the free webinar

Discover all the advantages of a professional music solution for your business during the free webinar on the 7th of October 2022. Organised by Tunify, Bluesound Professional and Prodytel.